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Global Ideas Institute  

2011-12 Expert Speaker Series

Dr. Anita M. McGahan | Dr. Yu-Ling Cheng | Ms. Ellie Avishai | Dr. Dilip Soman | Dr. Stanley Zlotkin | Dr. Murray Metcalfe | Dr. Joseph Wong

The Psychology of the Last Mile Problem: Why End Users Don’t Adopt Innovative Solutions and What We Can Do About It
Thursday, January 19, 2012 | 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Munk School of Global Affairs, 1 Devonshire Place
Vivian & David Campbell Conference Facility

Dr. Dilip Soman
Director, India Innovation Institute; Professor, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

In domains as diverse as healthcare, fi nancial well-being, education, and technology, the last mile problem refers to the diffi culty of getting end users to adopt a new technology or innovation and embrace a change in behaviour. The last mile problem is a problem of psychology, not technology. In this session, we will discuss the concept and nature of choice architecture – the science of designing choice environments that facilitate changes in behaviour and adoption. Drawing on examples from various domains and countries, we will build a framework for designing environments that nudge individuals to the appropriate choice.

Dilip Soman is a professor at the Rotman School of Management and Director of the India Innovation Institute at the University of Toronto. He studies interesting human behaviours, explains them, and uses the insights to develop products and programs to help people help themselves. His interests include behavioural economics, social media, marketing strategy, and consumer psychology.